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6 Masks For Blackheads With Activated Charcoal

6 Masks For Blackheads With Activated Charcoal

Thanks to the absorbing properties of activated charcoal, it is perfectly suitable for cleaning pores. In addition to blackheads, coal cleanses the skin of all kinds of contaminants that accumulate on its surface. It acts deeply, but gently, without injuring the epidermis.

Effective home masks against blackheads …

1. Mask with coal and black clay

This mask guarantees a qualitative skin cleansing. For its preparation, 1 tablet of activated charcoal is crushed and mixed with black clay and gelatin. These components need to take 1 teaspoonful. Dry ingredients are diluted 1 tablespoon of milk. Mask a little warm, until the gelatin is liquid, and apply on the face. Keep it for 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

The result of the application is clean pores, even complexion.

2. Mask of gelatin and coal

This mask-film replaces the cleaning strips. The process of its preparation is simple. Mix 1 teaspoon of gelatin with 2 tablespoons of cold milk. Allow infusing for 5-10 minutes. Grind to a powdery consistency 1 tablet of activated charcoal and add to gelatin. Stir thoroughly. Preheat the composition in a water bath. You can use a microwave instead. It’s enough 15 seconds that the mask components become liquid.

Apply a slightly cooled mask on the skin, affected by acne. Keep until dry. This will take 15-20 minutes. Carefully remove the mask-film from the chin to the forehead.

Note that the mask is very tightly attached to the skin, so when removed, hairs that grow on the face may retract.

The result of applying a mask with gelatin – it will be possible to get rid of black points on the nose, as well as the forehead, chin, the skin becomes moisturized and velvety.

3. Mask based on water

Consists of 2 ingredients. For its preparation, rub 3 tablets of coal into a powder and mix with 1 tablespoon of water or milk. Apply the formulation to the skin. Wipe off the dried mask.

The result is that the pores are carefully cleaned, the skin becomes light and becomes healthy. Read more 

4. Mask with yogurt and lemon

A soft cleansing face mask that acts gently. It will need to grind to a powdery consistency 1 tablet of coal. Dilute it with 2 tablespoons of yogurt, you need a product without flavoring, and then add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, preferably freshly squeezed. Apply the mask to the face. Wash off after 15 minutes.

The result of the application – cleans the pores, without damaging the structure of the face.

5. Mask with aloe and sea salt

Well cleanses the skin of acne. To cook it, rub 2 tablets of activated charcoal and mix with 1/3 of a teaspoon of salt, add 1 teaspoon of aloe juice, and 2-3 drops of essential oil. Preferably give the tea tree oil. It is a good antiseptic. Dissolve the resulting mixture with water. Enough 1 tablespoon. The mask is applied to the cleansed face for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash it off with a decoction of herbs or with warm water.

The result of application – clears pores from acne, acne, removes inflammatory processes.

6. Mask with cosmetic clay

Excellent for owners of oily skin. To make it, take 1 tablespoon of activated charcoal, powdered, and mix with white, as well as green clay. It is enough to take 0.5 teaspoons of clay. Add 1 tablespoon of rose petals. They must first be ground. Still need to take 3 drops of essential oil, lavender or geranium. Add so much water so that the mixture has a creamy consistency. Apply mask to face for 15 minutes. Wash off the decoction of chamomile, you can use water.

The result of the application – clears the skin from black spots, acne, removes skin peeling.

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Teeth Whitening Tips With Activated Charcoal

Teeth Whitening Tips With Activated Charcoal

 If you decide to return your smile to white and radiance, you will need information on how to whiten teeth with activated charcoal. Of all the existing folk methods of clarifying enamel at home, teeth whitening with activated charcoal is considered the most accessible and sparing. Tablets of this natural absorbent are worth a penny and are available in any medicine cabinet. About such an unconventional way of using these tablets later in the article.

How to use activated charcoal to brighten your teeth

Teeth whitening with activated charcoal can be done using any recipe from the following:

  • The tablets must be crushed into powder, and then brushed in stages with a brush, using a black powder instead of the usual tooth powder. Do not press on the brush too much, brushing your teeth for longer than 3 minutes is not recommended. At the end of cleaning, rinse the oral cavity with water.
  • Powder from tablets can be added to the toothpaste. You can make a special black paste, mixing the entire contents of the tube with 10 tablets, powdered into powder. But put the paste in the tube back will not work, so you need to think about the storage capacity for the prepared mixture. You can also make a one-off portion of charcoal paste for each cleaning.
  • You can simply chew the tablet for 5 minutes, then rinse your mouth.

Due to the fact that this natural absorbent does not have a specific taste and smell, it is very comfortable to carry out such cleaning. Despite the slight abrasive effect, brushing their teeth more often than once a week is not recommended. The effect of clarifying the enamel, you will most likely see after the first application.

Teeth Whitening Tips With Activated Charcoal

How safe is this method?

  • Although coal is not such an aggressive abrasive, such as soda, which is actively used for teeth whitening, it is still not abused by this method. Thoroughly mix the tablets into powder before use, so that no large particles remain that can damage the enamel.
  • The safety of this method is due to the fact that if the substance is swallowed and gets into the stomach, this absorbent will not harm your body. Of course, in the absence of allergies or individual intolerance.
  • Do not perform the procedure more often than recommended, do not rub the remedy too hard, and your enamel will be in perfect order. Keep reading 

Oral care on the basis of activated charcoal

Unique properties of activated charcoal could not be left without the attention of manufacturers of means for hygiene of the oral cavity. If folk teeth whitening with activated charcoal seems burdensome and time-consuming, you can buy yourself a special dentifrice based on this natural component.

Another recent novelty in the field of oral care has become black toothbrushes. For their manufacture, bamboo charcoal is used, which is covered with bristles. It, like other types of activated charcoal, has a large arsenal of useful properties, among which are absorbing and deodorizing properties. Customer feedback is very much praising these novelties, and the price makes them available for purchase.

If you decide to use activated charcoal as an enamel clarifier on your own at home, follow the steps outlined above, follow the recommendations and your smile will shine with beauty without harm to your teeth.

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